What does faith mean to you? I am a fan of Warhammer 40k books and came across a “quote” that made me really think about my faith and if I kept it at the level it described. Here’s the quote from Ravenor Rogue: To have faith is to have purpose, and purpose in life is what defines a man, and makes him steadfast and resolute. Faith keeps him true and, even in the darkest hours, illuminates him like a candle flame....
Read MoreFor a computer geek, I really don’t spend much time online. In fact, I tend to go to extra efforts to optimize my time spent on a computer because I’m already ensured an eight-hour day of programming for work. So for me to take more time out of my life to sit down and write is hard. My encouragement comes from Scott Hanselman and several others in the technical community who take the time to write about the new things...
Read MoreTime flies when you’re having fun or when you’re just super busy. I’m apparently still adjusting to the new work schedule and getting up to workout in the mornings has really put a damper on what I can get done in the evenings. Here’s a quick list of things I’ve been working on and will make an effort to post later: Drawing 3D objects in WPF Automated UI testing using TestComplete (and why I didn’t...
Read MoreI’ve been sick for a long while, started a new job, and just finished up VBS last week so I haven’t been as active as I had planned. Starting this weekend, I plan to write a few topics down and start posting again. Stay tuned!
Read MoreToday I remembered a little programming gem that has really helped speed up debugging my software as well as made binding just that much more enjoyable in WPF. It’s the ability to override ToString on your class. I know, it’s really simple and you already know how to do that, but do you remember the benefits? Let me start with an example (I apologize in advance for this being in VB): [vbnet] Public Overrides Function...
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